NRA Rewrites Fairy Tales With More Firearms, Less Bloodshed

Illustration by Amy Hulse, Studio Coronado

So SurLaLune tries to be apolitical as much as possible. So I am going to not comment but will share the following article and links from NPR and the NRA: NRA Rewrites Fairy Tales With More Firearms, Less Bloodshed by CAMILA DOMONOSKE

Adding guns to the world of the Brothers Grimm drastically reduces death rates, according to a study � well, OK, according to a couple of stories published by the NRA.

So far, there are only two data points. And they're imaginary. But the trendline is clear: In the NRA's reimagined fairy tales, putting rifles in the hands of children creates a safer world.

The NRA Family site published its first reimagined fairy tale � "Little Red Riding Hood (Has A Gun)" in January, and followed up with "Hansel and Gretel (Have Guns)" last week.

On Twitter, inspired by the series, a few people have been inventing their own #NRAfairytales, imagining tales that begin with "once upon a time" and end with a bang.

There's much more, so click through to read.

And that's all I have to say about that. Thanks to Val for sharing!


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