Call for Papers: International Conference of Mythology and Folklore

CFP: International Conference of Mythology and Folklore

The 3rd International Conference of Mythology and Folklore will take place October 15-16, 2016, in Bucharest, Romania.

The series of specialized conferences of mythology and folklore continues in Bucharest this year as well, under the patronage of The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

The conference organizers propose the following themes:

  • Ancient mythology and its reverberations in modernity
  • Folklore and authored literature
  • The actuality of myths

The abstracts should contain the titles of the presentations, written in English (max. 200 words), followed by 5 keywords, a bio-note of approx. 7-8 lines, and an email address. Abstracts must be sent no later than October 1, 2016, to mythology.folklore16 at gmail com.

The languages of the conference are: Romanian, English and French.

If approved by the scientific committee, you will be notified no later than October 5th.

In extenso papers (max. 10 p.) will be sent to the email address of the scientific board by July 1, 2017. These will be published in the conference volume.

The participation fees are the following:

  • Professors, associate professors, CSI, CSII: 20 euro;
  • Lecturers, assistants, CSIII, research assistants, PhD holders, pre-university teachers: 15 euro;
  • M.A. students and PhD students: 10 euro.

Information concerning payment, as well as the board of the scientific committee will be communicated in the second call for papers which will be sent after September 25, 2016.

The style sheet will be communicated to the participants after October 16, 2016.

Organizing committee:


Lector univ. dr. Maria-Luiza DUMITRU OANCEA


Prof. univ. dr. Ramona MIHAILA

Programme administrators:

Prof. univ dr. Ana-Cristina HALICHIAS
Prof. univ. dr. habil. Ileana MIHAILA


Drd. Nicolae-Andrei POPA
Dr. Mihai SALVAN


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